Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Genesis

To start this little journey off, I thought it would be quite fitting for me to explain my reasonings for starting such a blog. Well, its simple... supply and demand. Recently, I have been scouring the deepest realms of the internet to track down some DIY, budget friendly ways to live without having to sacrifice style, glamour, or fun. The pickings are slim ladies.

Onto my revelations....A few months back, I just got plain sick and tired of living pay check to pay check as a mid twenty year old, gainfully employed single, gal with a college degree; I should not be in this situation or so I thought. I mean I knew I had a pension for shopping, (Jcrew gets me every time...their catalogs are so dang cute.) and I like to have drinks with the gals at least once a week and I am not great at packing my lunches soo you get the picture. I was living above my means.

I did not want my lifestyle to change as I went down this more frugal pathway and so my hunt commenced. My first stop Pinterest (which is almost as addicting as JCrew). There were some great leads in their DIY and Crafts category so I let myself slip down the rabbit hole of endless blogs, tumbler sites, newsfeeds, and craft sites. All of these had very helpful ideas but most of the content was not aimed at me. The crafts were a little to kitschy and country; the message was a bit too religious, and the content was about child rearing. I knew I had my work cut out for me.

I made a list of everything that I feel is over priced and I hate having to spend money on. I know this sounds so negative but I need a starting point.

Here is my list:
-body scrub
-laundry detergent
-cleaning supplies
-coffee filters